This post contains the steps, and information on how to obtain your Real Estate License in NC. It also contains some valuable information for those who are thinking of becoming a Realtor and how to have success early in your career!
If you want to obtain your Real Estate License in North Carolina here is how to do it.
The first step in your journey to becoming a Real Estate Agent in North Carolina begins with making a decision. If you want to become a Real Estate Agent my recommendation is to go do it! Depending on your current situation it probably makes sense to keep your current job until you really get going. Selling homes in Raleigh isn't as easy as it sounds because it's one of the most competitive markets in the country. If you want to learn more about how to have success early in your career, check out this video interview I did to help you accomplish that:
You can view the full article here
When you decide to start a career in Real Estate set the expectation that it's going to take a year or two to really get going. Some of the most successful Agents had difficult first year's and after that things started to take off for them. Get ready to grind.
The second you decide to start a Real Estate Career start generating leads! Don't wait!
If you want to start a Real Estate Career in Raleigh, let us know! We are happy to answer any questions you may have that aren't answered in this article.
Ask the Real Estate Agents you know what the best schools are for pre-licensing in Real Estate. As with anything in the world some schools are better than others, and it's important you find a great one to help you the most. The North Carolina Real Estate Exam is one of the harder tests comparatively to other states, study hard.
The schools you study at will prepare you for not only future exams, it will prepare you for the 'field'. You want to go into the field ready to go with enough knowledge to be confident in the decisions you make, and a lot of this will come from understanding the rules of the game.
The homes for sale in Raleigh NC are selling fast so you may even want to practice filling out real estate contracts before your first deal. If you set up a lot of 'pretend' scenarios, whether you're filling out the offer to purchase and contract, or a listing agreement put yourself through these scenarios.
Pretend to take a seller from beginning to close with an experienced Agent in your office, or even your Broker-in-Charge. After that, pretend to take a buyer from beginning to close.
If you have a close relationship with any local Real Estate Agents ask to shadow them!
There are a few exams you're going to have to pass in order to obtain your real estate license in NC, and these don't include all the practice tests you'll take along the way. Statistics show that around 50-60% actually pass the first time. Make sure you're prepared to pass the test because if you don't you will need to start all over again.
For anyone who values time, studying for a couple hours per day is better than having to take the class all over again. If you want your real estate license, study, study, study.
In other states there are passing rates far higher than the one's in North Carolina.
It's time to find a brokerage to join. You should be doing this prior to obtaining your license as well. Study the best brokerages in the local area and figure out what makes some better than others. Putting together a list of pros and cons will help you decide what makes the most sense for you.
Assuming you're not an investor and making Real Estate your Career you'll have to join a company that will help you grow as a Realtor. Find a brokerage that will teach you to be a self-sufficient Agent. Don't go join the first brokerage you walk into just because you're excited you passed the test and you're eager to get going.
Have questions about which brokerage is right for you? Feel free to email me with questions!
After you pass the North Carolina Real Estate Exams, and join a Real Estate Brokerage, it's time to join your local Realtor® organization. Here in Raleigh, you'll join the Raleigh Regional Association of Realtors® and this will give you access to the local Triangle MLS.
Now it's time to start training and work to build your skill set. Work with other new Agents and experienced Agents. Practice makes perfect so the more you practice your scripts the better off you will be when you're in the field.
Don't get down on yourself if you don't sell homes immediately after obtaining your license. Some of the best Agents in the world didn't sell a home for the first 6-9 months as a Realtor. This is why it makes sense to keep your job while you're starting out, and it makes sense to grab a part-time job if you don't already have one!
Those who want to become a Real Estate Agent will need to set a proper mindset. You will need to be a grinder, especially in your first year. When I first started Raleigh Realty it was an absolute roller coaster ride in which I put all of my chips on the table, I was 'all-in' on Real Estate.
My goal in the beginning was to build the best Real Estate website in Raleigh and I'm well on my way to accomplishing that. There is a lot more time, effort, and money that needs to be invested in my site for it to help people.
Decide early on your top 3 lead generation strategies in Real Estate. This will help you learn what will work for you instead of being overwhelmed. Check out some tools every real estate agent should be using when you start out.
If you need any help on things like how to sell a home OR how to buy a home we have articles to help you! As a new Real Estate Agent you'll probably be looking for more information on how to help sellers and buyers to the best of your ability. Please use our website as a resource and feel free to share the information you find. Below you will find an infographic that teaches you the process of buying a home.
If we can help you on your quest to becoming a Real Estate Agent in North Carolina let us know in the comments section below!
Here is some great advice from TOP Real Estate Agents around the world on becoming an Agent!